Lauri Mitchell
Lauri is a native of Washington, D.C., where she returns often, and spent almost 30 years in the Boston area. She began spending time in Hilton Head in 2014 and became a fulltime resident of Leamington in 2019. She has 2 sons and 2 grandchildren, the lights of her life.
She graduated from Tufts University with a B.S. in Psychology and from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Sloan School of Management with an MBA, focusing on Marketing and Strategic Planning.
Lauri worked as a management consultant throughout most of her professional career, eventually developing expertise and focus on commercial strategy and analytics for the pharmaceutical industry. In 2005, she and a partner started their own firm, specializing in contracting and pricing strategy and analytics for most of the firms comprising “big pharma”. After 9 years, growing the firm to 50+ employees and $13M in revenue, they sold it to a global healthcare data company. Following the acquisition, she continued to assist with client and project management and undertook freelance consulting projects.
Since moving to Hilton Head full time, Lauri has been a volunteer at Volunteers in Medicine, doing pharmacy research and quality improvement projects and working as a technician in the pharmacy, where you can find her most Monday mornings.
She has taken up bridge and works to improve her golf game. She co-leads two women’s groups – a movie group and a travel group – two of her passions, in addition to live theater. She especially enjoys the many new friendships she has made since moving here.
Lauri has been a patron of Lean Ensemble since coming to Hilton Head, and a member of the Inner Circle of volunteers for several years. She looks forward to serving as Treasurer and deepening her engagement and support of this wonderful organization!