Tom Evans
Directing The Diviners at the Circle Rep in New York in 1980 was the most high powered gig Tom ever had. The script was by Jim Leonard, who'd been Tom's student at Hanover College. When Jim began writing Tom advised he look for guidance to the plays of Lanford Wilson, a founder of Circle Rep. Through delightful coincidence, Lanford was dramaturge for the New York production.
In 2010, when Tom staged Talley's Folly in Indiana, in an "Author's Note" Lanford opined:
I'm thrilled to hear Tom will be directing my play. It was great fun hanging out with Jim Leonard and Tom and the "Diviner's" cast--lord, how many years ago? A time I look back on very fondly! And Tom worked such a magical spell on The Diviners--his is a talent and sensitivity I'll be happy to take advantage of for Talley's Folly."
Best review Tom ever got.